
get started

simple guide for getting started. for apis documentation, refer to docs

simple steps for getting started:

1. get started by creating a project and a form to start collecting feedbacks

head over to dashboard/project to create a new project. create a new form inside a project

2. after creating a new form, you will find a form id which will be used to track and store feedbacks

on feedback form, the form id will look like this:

3. get client id and client secrets for using apis

you can find your client id and client secret from settings -> secrets. these secrets can be used for feedback external apis. don't push your secrets in public repositories.

4. use feedback docs and store your user's feedback with ease

check the feedback docs for using feedback apis. you will need client id and client secret for authentication, along with form id for collecting feedback inside one form and later managing all inside dashboard

note: currently the feedback only provides external apis, we are planning to work on ui and package in future.
for any feature request, feel free to reach out to us...